Saturday, April 30, 2011

A slightly scary experience

Has anyone ever experienced the downright creepiness of having a random person, or someone you have seen around town, come up to you as you are either getting in or out of your car? I have! Yesterday, when I was stopping by Larry's House of Cakes to pick up a cupcake for Tara, a creepy guy, that has come to our church once in a while, decided he would come and say hi after I had just pulled in to the parking lot. Seeing how my mother has handled this type of situation before, I remained calm, turned the car back on, locked the door, and rolled down the window a smidge to ask politely, yet forcefully, what the man needed. He replied that he wanted to say hi, and also asked what I was doing out. To this I replied, "Some things". I mean, seriously, I don't think it was his business to know what my plans were. The scariest part about all of this is that I had just dropped the kids at the park with some of their friends and therefore I was all alone. It turned out that I finally got rid of him and I decided to wait a few minutes to go in since I was kind of parked at the end of the parking lot. The encouraging thing was that there were a few people around so I was fairly safe. I am so grateful that God protected me, that I was still in my car, and that I had my cell phone. Whew! I don't know if he noticed, but I was certainly scared.


  1. How scary! You definitly handled it better than I would have!! Glad God kept you safe!

