Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Jesus death and resurrection was a gift for you and I.

I know I am a little late for the Easter message, but I want to reiterate the importance of Jesus sacrifice on the cross. Whenever I see clips from the Passion of the Christ I wonder how I still live in complacency. Why do I still take Jesus death as "nothing much". Just saying that makes me feel horrible, but I am guilty of getting used to talking about Jesus sacrifice and not really seeing it for what it really was. It's time to truly remember the price that Jesus paid for my sins and start living a life that is worthy of Him. I encourage you to do the same.

1 comment:

  1. totally agree 100000000%!!! I LOVE IT! Great Word Friend! :) Thanks for the encouragement! Sometimes I/we just need a reminder of the truth reason for everything that is and was and that is to come! Thanks Bekah!
