Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Input, anyone?

Have you ever felt like there is something inside of you that you can't get out? That's how I feel. There is a passion growing in me to compose my own music (for the piano). But, I feel like I am to much of a perfectionist to do it. If it doesn't sound perfect, I figure there is no reason to try. I know I have come up with some pretty pieces, but, they are all to short. I don't know if anyone can associate with this feeling. Does anyone have any input for me?


  1. GO FOR IT! I know you can do it! Maybe you can try putting different shorter pieces together to make one long one. :) Hey, it never hurts to try! :)


  2. I agree! also, it doesn't need to be "perfect." You have very creative pieces. I have heard the some of your stuff! You are REALLY good! There is no "perfect" piece out there. Many people like all sorts of stuff! I like your music! You can do it! I believe in you! :)Now it's your turn to believe in yourself! :) Love you friend! :)

  3. Thanks Marli and Traci for your input. It means a lot!
