Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Protection of God

Last night we had a storm sweep through our little town of Carbondale, but it seemed like there was a wall of protection around us. We figured the storm had just past over us, but this morning when Lucas got on the internet he found, that in town, schools were closed, there were power outages, and even the roof on the new police station was ripped off. I am so grateful we are not out of power and we didn't even have any damages. The crazy thing is that we were just minding our own business last night when Nathan called from Portland, Oregon saying that he saw on TV that a major storm was coming through the small town next to us. People were saying it had the potential to be the worst storm in the spring. Thank God the predictions were wrong and that His hand of protection was upon us.


  1. ya! I am so happy you all are okay! We didn't really know how bad it was until my grandmother, whom we call Nana (the house you stayed the night in on the trip to the CALL) called us and told us. Our power didn't go off and everyone here is safe as well! :) Thanks for letting us know! :)

  2. Glad y'all are alright! We had some tornadoes sweep through Friday night and destroy some of our neighbors houses. Praise the Lord, we were not even touched. Glad y'all are safe!...


  3. Yep. We are all good. I am glad you guys are doing well.
