Thursday, March 24, 2011

Aim test today

This day has been good and bad at the same time. Had the AIM test this morning and didn't do as good as I had hoped. But, I am just glad it is over. I haven't gotten my final score yet, so hopefully it doesn't turn out too bad. Sometimes I have trouble with memorization on my pieces, which is what happened today. I just hate to see what I have been working so hard be dissapointing in the end. Oh well! I know I at least got a 90% on my songs.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Josiah's amazing strength

                                                      Look at that sixpack!!
                                                     (Sideways again! Sorry!)
Going to spend most of the day just with this kid and my other brother, Micah. We are headed off to Gram's house in about an hour and are going to have a blast. Josiah is always so funny (except when he is mad). There is always something to laugh about when it comes to Sima (That's his nickname).

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Spring Break

Unfortunately, our family is not on spring break. However, we decided to push it off a couple weeks so that we could go on a trip. On the 25th we are going to Tulsa, Oklahoma for another Aquire the Fire event. From there, we will stay and visit with family in Oklahoma City. We are planning on a shopping trip (which is going to be incredible), touring, and just plain hanging out. After Oklahoma City, we are going to Dallas, Texas for yet another Acquire the Fire event.  The only problem is that Dad can't come with us except for a couple days at the end of our trip. But, I know it will still be fun. So, those are my plans for spring break. What are you up to?

That's a big hole!

                           Lucas being very silly in the Grand Canyon.
            (Sorry it is sideways. I guess Lucas put it on youtube that way.)

Monday, March 14, 2011

"All Organic Herb Remedy"

Remember in an earlier post how I mentioned that I have had an outbreak of warts on my hands? Well, if you have read the story you will have known that the dermatologist said all I could do to make them go away is go through laser treatment. (Since I was allergic to the only thing she subscribed for me)  However, today, my mother has been on the internet for hours trying to decide which remedy, that is all organic, she is going to have me use. She just left to go the our neighborhood co-op to see if they have the product there. But, if it isn't there then she is probably going to order it online. (We are not really feeling laser treatment yet)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Muncie, Indiana

So, this weekend we are going to Muncie, Indiana for another Acquire the Fire trip. For those of you who do not know, my mother is in partnership with Teen Mania Ministries. They are the ones who go around the country doing these "Acqire the Fires". My mom speaks in the parent session while my sister, Kalyn, speaks to the youth in the main session. They both talk about how Kalyn went through a major crisis in her teen years and how God delivered her. If you want to hear the rest of the story go to Going back to the subject, this event is supposed to be one of the biggest with about 5,000 people expected. What is really exciting is that Lucas gets to go this time. It is five and a half hours away, but we are still going to drive back late saturday night. Mom really wants to get back for church since she is gone so much for all of the events. Anyways, please be praying for divine appointments and for the power of Jesus to come to every session. Below is the promo video for Kalyn's Secret.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Very pretty

 This is a very pretty piece of music, and this girl plays it very well.
 I am actually learning it on the piano right now.  (Disclosure: I am not endorsing the movie Braveheart because I have heard it is rated R and I don't believe it is good to watch R rated movies. I simply like the music)

Achievement in Music Exam

The AIM test is in sixteen days. I am really nervous, and yet ready to get it over with. I am going to be out of town on the exact day of the test so I have to take it at someones house two days earlier instead of at Altgeld Hall (which is the normal spot to take the test). The recquirements for level VII include memorizing three level VII pieces, transposing a level IV piece, taking a written exam, playing many different chords, arpeggios, chromatic scale, and more. It is quite a load of work and I am praying I will be ready for it. 
                                    So I know this is random, but this is an awesome video.
P.S. I hope to be this good someday, but that won't be happening without some miraculous help.
(Which I am hoping for)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Update on my weekend

The trip to St. Louis was great. My home team, SIU, won their first b-ball game, but lost the second. Fortunately I was shopping when they lost their second game. I had a great time on Friday shopping with Hannah, Tara, Lydia, Ryan, and I. I didn't have any money to spend, but thanks to a Dad, who loves me very much, and a grandfather, who also loves me, I shopped with $30.00 in hand. I bought a really cute cardigan, a shirt, a dressy jacket, and red, flat shoes. The next day, saturday, was a busy day for me. Since my mom was in San Antonio, Texas and my dad was in Des Moines, Iowa, I was the transporter for the kids. I had three upward games to take them to, and a party at the library at 1:00. Fortunately, the day went fairly smooth.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

March madness

March madness, here I come! So, I don't care to much about basketball, but it is still fun going to the tournament in St. Louis. Everyone is going tommorrow, in my household, except for Mom, who is in Canada, and Lucas, who has school. I was even more excited to hear that I may also do my favorite thing on this trip, shop! But, of course with every fun thing there is always something not fun you have to do. For me, it is doubling up on my schoolwork tommorrow. Oh well! At least I won't have to do much on Friday.

God Gave Me You

Decided I would post yet another video from YouTube. I know, I do it all the time. But, it is just so convenient and fun. Anyways, check this video out.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My fulfilling day

Today has been a great day! I actually got quite a bit accomplished. (I am one of those people who always likes to see something beneficial come out of their day). After getting ready for the day this morning, I worked on my school for several hours and then went to work for Dad at his office just down the road. Upon returning home, I accomplished my goal to do a hard ab workout before dinner. It was quite fulfilling. You might ask why I thought exercising was so fun. Well, sometimes a good workout can just make me feel so much better. Of course, going into the kitchen and eating a bunch of chocolate chips afterwards is not the best idea, but, oh well!