Sunday, March 6, 2011

Update on my weekend

The trip to St. Louis was great. My home team, SIU, won their first b-ball game, but lost the second. Fortunately I was shopping when they lost their second game. I had a great time on Friday shopping with Hannah, Tara, Lydia, Ryan, and I. I didn't have any money to spend, but thanks to a Dad, who loves me very much, and a grandfather, who also loves me, I shopped with $30.00 in hand. I bought a really cute cardigan, a shirt, a dressy jacket, and red, flat shoes. The next day, saturday, was a busy day for me. Since my mom was in San Antonio, Texas and my dad was in Des Moines, Iowa, I was the transporter for the kids. I had three upward games to take them to, and a party at the library at 1:00. Fortunately, the day went fairly smooth.


  1. Hooray for shopping! I don't usually look at clothes at Wal-Mart, but I found a really cute shirt there today while Memory and I were out grocery shopping. Glad you were able to find some good buys. :)

    By the way, I love your new blog look!


  2. Thanks! I actually was just about to change it, but maybe I won't right now.
