Monday, March 14, 2011

"All Organic Herb Remedy"

Remember in an earlier post how I mentioned that I have had an outbreak of warts on my hands? Well, if you have read the story you will have known that the dermatologist said all I could do to make them go away is go through laser treatment. (Since I was allergic to the only thing she subscribed for me)  However, today, my mother has been on the internet for hours trying to decide which remedy, that is all organic, she is going to have me use. She just left to go the our neighborhood co-op to see if they have the product there. But, if it isn't there then she is probably going to order it online. (We are not really feeling laser treatment yet)


  1. Ugh- I had that wart problem a few years back. Not fun. I found some sort of medicine-treated band-aids at Walmart, and they worked! You just have to change the band-aids often and keep at it for a few weeks. They eventually go away. Yay!

    You have a nice blog!

    You mentioned a co-op... homeschooled co-op?
    My homeschool group has a co-op too! I'm actually teaching a class, and the first day starts tomorrow!

  2. Thanks! I actually do go to a homeschool co-op every Thursday. It is nice to meet you!
