Monday, February 28, 2011

Monday nights

Monday is quite the day for me. I have to get up, get ready for my day, and get all my school done by lunch.(because it is a half day) Then, I am the "transportation lady". Taking children to and from basketball practices and part time jobs is a regular occurence on this busy day. After I transport the children, all of the kids and I take care of Lilibeth, my niece, while her mother and father go out for a couple hours on a date. So, as you can see, mondays are never dull for me. What do you do on your monday? Is in mundane, or filled with excitement?
My cute niece, Lilibeth.


  1. She is so adorable! My Mondays are normally spent at home, doing schoolwork.... Maybe a walk on our mile-long driveway... :)


  2. Whew....Im not sure i like Mondays!!! they are intense!!!
