Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas fun

This years Christmas was very eventful and exciting. On the eve of Christmas Eve (Thursday) I got to meet up with a couple of my friends and two of my cousins who were in town to eat dinner together and go bowling. It was quite an occasion that I thoroughly enjoyed. Between my score of 45 and someones 165 we had quite a few differences in talents. There were a few of my friends not present at the outing that I truly missed. However, It was a fun trip that I will remember for many years. On Christmas Eve, my family all went to Grandma and Grandad Cherry's where we had a brunch and opened all of the presents. That night we had our traditional taco feast with Grandma and Grandad Cherry. After dinner we had the most exciting snowball fights and go cart rides in the snow (the go cart was a present to the boys from Grandad Cherry). The next morning, Christmas day, We had breakfast, played dirty santa, and opened presents at Gram Renshaws. Christmas evening was the family gift opening at my house. Overall it was a wonderful Christmas and I am thankful I had a family to share it with. Feel free to share your Christmas stories below as well!

1 comment:

  1. WOW!!! you had a pretty exciting Christmas! Sound like a lot of fun! I bet the boys really liked the go cart! And I am glad you enjoyed this Christmas, missed you...
    I had an exciting year with many new members coming to the Christmas celebrations, but you can see more of that info at my blog. We did have 2 deaths this Christmas, which was quite sad, but overall it was a good Christmas! ;)
