Friday, December 3, 2010

Deer problems

So, yesterday at about 5:15 p.m. mom, the kids, and I were in a car accident with a deer. All I can remember is one of the kids saying, "Mom, there is a deer". But it was to late. We smashed him, or, I guess you could say, he smashed us. Either way, we made it out safe and for that I am glad. It was one of those rare occasions where Josiah didn't have a car seat. Mom believes that if we were in a smaller car it would have been a lot deadlier. Thank you Jesus for protecting us. One more thing to be grateful for, I wasn't driving! Yes!!!


  1. Yeah...slightly nerve racking when I almost missed my b-ball game!!!!

  2. Wow! I am glad everyone is alright! Yeah...deer are hard to see 2! I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to my bestest of friends!!!

  3. Your welcome! Its true!!!!
    I pray for you and your family all of the time!!! :)Love you!
