Friday, November 25, 2011

The Stolen Money

My day started at 2:45 a.m. I decided I wanted to stand in line at shoe carnival to receive a ten dollar gift card. Micah, Hannah, and I arrived in line at 4:00. The store wasn't opening until 5:00 a.m. When the store opened, I was able to buy some tan boots for only twelve dollars. After shoe carnival we ate some breakfast and then went to Lifeway. It was horribly packed. There were at least one hundred people in the store. It was incredibly hectic, but I was able to buy one christmas present there. We went to a few other places and then headed to the mall. After finishing in Macy's me and a friend of mine went to JC Penney's. Those who know me will agree that I am a very forgetful person, at times.  During this experience, my forgetfulness came back to bite me. I found a jacket that I wanted to try on, so I put down my purse to try it over my shirt. I ended up walking away leaving my very noticeable, zebra print purse on the floor. When I realized I left my purse somewhere I attempted to remain calm. After all, I had a lot of cash in it since it was black friday. However, someone turned in my purse, but when I was ready to checkout, my money was gone. I was fairly horrified because sixty dollars is a lot of money for me. My friend insisted upon buying the item for me and so I finally let her. However, the fishy part of this story is that the woman who said she turned in my purse to customer service was the same lady I had chatted with earlier in the same store. She didn't seem like the type of person to take money, but it had to of been either her, or the employee who took the purse from her. Even though it was very sad to loose my money, I know that I am going to have an increase because Jesus will always take care of me. I already was blessed with thirty dollars tonight!

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry that happened. Years ago, I lost $100 of my rent money. To this day, sadly, I believe it was my son. Jesus blessed me as a blogger sent me the money and allowed me to pay rent and pay it forward. God is good and all you can do is pray this person will have remorseful heart!
