The director of music at John A. Logan College was emailing me about a class schedule when he made the worst mistake possible. He mentioned that I was a scholarship recipient and raised my hopes to an immeasurable degree. I have been working very hard to receive any scholarship possible to pay my way through college. I have spent hours of giving away my phone number only to be bombarded with sales calls. To put it lightly, the director mistakenly sent that information to me instead of another student. I am crushed, but even more so, I am embarassed. The scholarship he was mentioning was decided by an audition where I performed horribly. It rivaled with any other of my bad days. Every important teacher was at that audition, and for all but one of them, it was there first time to meet me. I so much wanted to make a good impression, but now I struggle with wanting to show my face there again.
Needless to say, I am trying to forget these trials and still be excited about my freshman year of college.