Thursday, April 28, 2011

Relax and loosen up!

This has been quite a day! I had to teach a portion of a class in our homeschool co-op, run a mile for PE, and make a presentation in worldview class (which was an autobiography collage that I worked super hard on). I am relieved to have all of that done, but, tonight I started to feel the stress rise in me again as my mother and I began to discuss options for me after high school. (For those of you who are wondering, I am only a junior, so I have one more year of high school left.) Mom kept asking me, "Do you want to study this, or this, or this?" To which I kept saying, "No, no, and more no's". I don't understand why I am so particular about my life and why I have so much trouble making decisions? I guess it is just because my life is so important to me and I don't want to waste any part of it on something that is not going to be worth my time. Sometimes I just need to relax, not think so hard, and loosen up! I sure look loose in this picture! Ha! Ha!
(I actually used this picture on my collage!)

1 comment:

  1. I know what you are going through! It's a really tough decision that will affect you for a very long time! I am going through this same thing! You can do it Rebekah! I know God will guide your heart where He wants it to be! "Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring enough worries of it's own." I'm praying for you.
